hit counter Constitution and Procedures Manual | Hemet Coin Club

Constitution and Procedures Manual

Hemet Coin Club 






Section 1. This organization shall be known as “Hemet Numismatists.”

Section 2. Its object shall be to encourage and dispense numismatic knowledge and to cultivate fraternal relations among its members.


Section 1. Any person eighteen years of age shall be eligible for full membership. Any person under eighteen years of age shall be eligible for junior membership.

Section 2. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for a vote of acceptance or denial.


Section 1. The officers shall be President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording secretary, Treasurer, and a Board of up to (5) Directors. They shall consist of members all of whom shall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting. The Immediate Past President shall also be a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Any member at least eighteen years of age, in good standing, shall be eligible for office.


Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by three-fourths majority vote of all members of the Board of Directors and Club Officers.

Section 2. Amendments proposed may not be voted on in the same meeting.





Section 1 - The President shall preside at all meetings and generally supervise all matters of interest to the Club.

Section 2 - The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President and be in charge of all programs.

Section 3 - The Corresponding Secretary shall preserve all documents, handle general correspondence, and coordinate the membership list with the Newsletter Editor so all members receive a copy of the newsletter either via electronic means or paper form. 

Retain a current membership list  (provided by the Recording Secretary).

Maintain club membership with the Numismatic Association of Southern California and California State Numismatic Association and provide representative and club information to same. 

Maintain mail access for club use via personal or P.O. Box address.

Publish the Club Newsletter at the direction of the Club President.

Section 4 - The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all minutes, record all significant meeting events, maintain a corrected list of all current members, and ensure timely collection of dues. The Membership List will be treated as confidential and not released to any private person or commercial agency.

Provide a copy of the meeting minutes to the Corresponding Secretary for inclusion in the newsletter including all motions made and any task assignments made by the President.

Review the minutes of the previous meeting at the following meeting. (General meeting minutes can be reviewed through highlights)

Provide the Corresponding Secretary with a listing by name of door prize winners.

Provide the Corresponding Secretary a list of items displayed during “Show and Tell” and their contributor.

Attend Board meetings recording all motions and seconds and whether the motion passed or failed.

Section 5 - The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds. Collect monies and pay all authorized bills. Record all dues and fees. The Treasurer shall present amonthly report at each meeting.

Section 6 - Two signatures shall be required for the issuance of any authorized check. The Treasurer, the President and one other board member appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors shall be eligible to sign such checks.

Section 7 - Elected officers of the organization shall be composed of President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, and four (4) Directors of which the ImmediatePast President shall automatically be one of the four (4) Directors and shall be considered as an elected officer.

Section 8 - The Board of Directors shall be composed of all elected officers and the appointed officers listed in ARTICLE 1 — Section 8.

Section 9 - The appointed officers of the organization shall consist of the Revenue Chair, Sergeant-at-Arms, Membership, Newsletter Editor, AND OTHER CHAIRS AS DEEMED NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING BUSINESS.

Section 10 - The duties of the appointed officers shall be directed by the Board of Directors.

November 2015


Section 1 - The regular meeting of the club will be held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month.

Section 2 - The Board of Directors will meet as called by the President or, at a minimum, every 2 months.

Section 3 - Special meetings may be called by the President when necessary.


Section 1 - A nominating committee will be appointed by the president in September to select a slate of officers for the coming year.

Section 2 - The nominating committee will announce their nominees during the October meeting and accept nominations from the floor.

Section 3 - Elections will be held during the regular November meeting.

Section 4 - Elected officers shall be installed at the December meeting for the coming year.


Section 1 — Membership in the club shall consist of two types of membership -"Regular” and “Junior” Members.

Section 2 - Junior members shall be under the age of 18.


Section 1 - The annual dues shall be ten ($15.00) dollars for a single membership or a family of two. A junior membership shall be five ($5.00) dollars.

Section 2 - Dues are payable on January 1st but not later then March 31 of each calendar year. New members joining during July through October will pay seven ($7.00) dollars for the remainder of the year. Members joining during November or December will be accepted in the following year’s dues.

Section 3 - Any member in arrears after March 31 of any year shall be dropped from the membership. Reinstatement shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

November 2015


Section 1 - The organization (club) may be dissolved by majority vote of the members of the General Membership. A notice of the impending vote will appear in the Clubs Newsletter two months prior to the voting month.

Section 2 - Upon dissolution, and after paying all club debts and obligations of the club the remaining assets will be distributed intact to the California State Numismatic Association (CSNA) a non-profit organization and shall be credited to the Educational Fund.

Section 3 — Assets will not become the personal property of any private individual or club member


The Club shall maintain affiliation through club membership in the California State Numismatic Association (CSNA) and the Numismatic Association of Southern California (NASC).

November 2015




Initially Prepared and Developed by Ron Morrow, Editor, and the

2007 Board of Directors

Update Prepared and approved November 2015 by Jim Phillips 

and the 2015 Board of Directors

President — Ken Busby

Vice President — Jerry Bodenhorn

Secretary — Jim Phillips

                Treasurer — Mary Ann Bodenhorn

Director — Rafael Flores 

Director — Mike Baylie

Director — Ellen Busby

Director — Phil De Augustino

Director — Dot Williams

General Comments for Everyone

Each officer and committee chair needs to be diplomatic yet assertive. As in all

volunteer groups there are many different personalities and many different ways

to do things. Whenever possible make sure you take into account, how what you

do may impact someone else. Also, be open to change and/or constructive

criticism. If you delegate an assignment always give help and guidance and

always follow up to check the status of completion in a friendly manner.

All committee chairs are especially welcome and encouraged to attend all Board

meetings. Additionally, all club members are welcome to attend.

Remember to use common sense.

The club is not tied to specific formalities. Be creative and the main thing is to

“get the job done.”

Be honest in the handling of all matters for the club.

The club depends on volunteers so keep them happy! Make work fun and

compliment each other on a job well done whenever possible.

Whenever possible find someone that could take over your job and groom him/her to

enable a smooth transition.



Section 1 - The President shall preside at all meetings and generally

supervise all matters of interest to the Club.

Section 8 - The appointed officers of the organization shall consist of the

Revenue Chair, Sergeant-at-Arms, Membership and Newsletter Editor,


Section 9 - The duties of the appointed officers shall be directed by the

Board of Directors.


Section 1 - A nominating committee will be appointed by the president in

September to select a slate of officers for the coming 2 years.

Section 2 - The nominating committee will announce their nominees

during the October meeting and accept nominations from the floor.

Section 3 - Elections will be held during the regular November meeting.

Section 4 - Elected officers shall be installed at the December meeting for

the coming 2 years.

Description of duties:

ASAP for January 1. Appoint other officers to the Board of Directors. See

Section 8 above. The appointed officers of the organization shall consist of the

Revenue Chair, Sergeant-at-Arms and Newsletter Editor.

Chair all Board and Monthly meetings. If not able to attend transfer these duties to the

Vice Chair or Past President (in that order).

Assure that all officers and committee chairs complete their tasks in a timely and

quality manner.




1. Call meeting to order

2. Pledge of Allegiance — designate someone to start it off

Be sure you signed up for alarm clock drawing and have gotten your 50/50 and

raffle tickets

Recognize past presidents

3. Secretary’s Report — (name)

4. Treasurer’s Report — (name)

Membership drawing - $1 coin

5. Correspondence

6. Announcements

Sick List

Future meetings elsewhere


7. Old Business

Membership Applications


8. New Business

Refreshment donor(s) for this month - (name)

Refreshment donor (s) for next month — (name)


9. Program — Vice President

Program for this month — Introduce program & topic

Review next month’s program to encourage attendance

10. COFFEE BREAK / REFRESHMENTS — remember to thank…

11. Newsletter — (Editor’s name)

Any items you would like to include in the next newsletter  give to editor

12. Adjournment — next meeting date/location




1. Call meeting to order

2. Thank host for use of their home

3. Secretary’s Report — (name)

4. Treasurer’s Report — (name)

April — include list of paid members / unpaid members (Board members will

call/write unpaid members and ask them to rejoin and make suggestions for club


Monthly — Running tally of raffle revenue/costs, 50:50 revenue and other

information deemed important

Events — Final tally of revenue/costs

5. Correspondence

6. Announcements

Sick List


7. Old Business

Membership Applications


8. New Business

Door prizes for next month — listing with costs

Refreshment provider for next month


9. Program — Vice President

Program ideas

Program for next month

10. Newsletter— (Editor’s name)

Items to include in the next newsletter

11. Other - go around room

Adjournment — next meeting date/location


Important Highlights from the Bylaws to remember


Section 2 - The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President

and be in charge of all programs.

Description of duties:

Monthly programs - Designate programs for each monthly meeting as needed.

January           program needed

February         program needed

March             program needed

April                Super Auction — no program

May                Annual Picnic — no program

June               program needed

July                Annual Anniversary Luncheon — no program

August           program needed

September     Ice Cream Social — no program

October         White Elephant Sale/Fund Raiser — no program needed

November     program needed

December     New Officer Installation/Annual Banquet — no program

Sources of programs

Jim Phillips - As speaker or source of programs

Ken Busby - As speaker or source of programs

Other Board members

NASC Speakers Bureau Directory

ANA — state societies


Other members

Introduce each program and speaker each month ($10 cash travel honorarium for

out-of-town non member programs — you can get the cash from the Treasurer ...

but give him/her a receipt).

At conclusion of speech give program presenter a paper Certificate of Appreciation

(buy at an office supply store — check with Board on type/wording) signed by the



Important Highlights from the Bylaws to remember


Section 3 - The Corresponding Secretary shall preserve all documents, handle

general correspondence, and coordinate the membership list with the Newsletter

Editor so all members receive a copy of the newsletter either via electronic means or

paper form.

Retain a current membership list  (provided by the Recording Secretary).

Maintain club membership with the Numismatic Association of Southern California and

California State Numismatic Association and provide representative and club

information to same.

Maintain mail access for club use via personal or P.O. Box address.

Publish the Club Newsletter at the direction of the Club President.

Coordinate the membership list with the Editor so all members receive a copy of

the newsletter.


Important Highlights from the Bylaws to remember


Section 4 - The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all minutes, record all

significant meeting events, maintain a corrected list of all current members, and

ensure timely collection of dues. The Membership List will be treated as confidential

and not released to any private person or commercial agency.

April Board meeting — include list of paid members/unpaid members (Board

members will call/write unpaid members and ask them to rejoin and make

suggestions for club improvements).

Provide a copy of the meeting minutes to the Corresponding Secretary for inclusion in

the newsletter including all motions made and any task assignments made by the


Review the minutes of the previous meeting at the following meeting. (General

meeting minutes can be reviewed through highlights)

Provide the Corresponding Secretary with a listing by name of door prize winners.

Provide the Corresponding Secretary a list of items displayed during “Show and Tell”

and their contributor.

Attend Board meetings recording all motions and seconds and whether the motion

passed or failed. Board minutes - The Board meeting minutes should be reviewed in 


Only the important facts need to be recorded. For example: motions (who made the

motion and second and exact wording of the motion. Did it pass or fail?)

Record assignments made by the President and date scheduled to complete.



Section 5 - The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds. Collect

monies and pay all authorized bills. Record all dues and fees. The

Treasurer shall present a monthly report at each meeting.

Section 6 - Two signatures shall be required for the issuance of any

authorized check. The Treasurer, the President and one other board

member appointed by the President and approved by the Board of

Directors shall be eligible to sign such checks.


Section 1 — The annual dues shall be ten ($10.00) dollars for a single

membership and fifteen ($15.00) dollars for a family of two. A junior

membership shall be five ($5.00) dollars.

Section 2 - Dues are payable on January 1st but not later then March 31

of each calendar year. New members joining during July through October

9  will pay seven ($7.00) dollars for the remainder of the year. Members

joining during November or December will be accepted in the following

year’s dues.

Section 3 - Any member in arrears after March 31 of any year shall be

dropped from the membership. Reinstatement shall be subject to the

approval of the Board of Directors.

Description of duties:

Monthly Board meeting — Review any Special Events — Final tally of


Keep excellent records of all financial matters that collaborate the bank

statements. A highlight version of the financial records should be reviewed at the

General meeting, whereas a detailed version would be reviewed at the Board



Door Prizes

Purchase or obtain from own collection door prizes at a discount price (below

wholesale whenever possible). Try to have the prizes vary in “retail price” from

$1 to $25.

Cost of prizes should be lower than the intake of funds to assure a profitable


Have list of door prizes with costs for Board information at least one month in

advance. A copy of list should be given to the Treasurer for reimbursement and

the Newsletter Editor for publishing. The list of door prizes would be placed in

the next newsletter.

Number of prizes — typically around 5-6.

Things to bring to club meetings:

Raffle tickets (both for regular raffle and a separate color for the Half &

Halt). Keep the colors consistent as much as possible to limit confusion.

Two coffee tins to hold money — one for the raffle and one for the Half &


Box for display of raffle items.

Wheel for mixing up raffle tickets

Have one or two helpers — ideally have one to take in money for the raffle and

one for the Half & Half. Any free time you have could be spent soliciting

members to buy tickets or additional tickets.

As a number is called out have the winner draw a new number and then pick out

a prize.



Half & Half Drawing

Separate money — 1/2 of the money goes to the club and ‘/2 to the winner

Usually this is a red ticket

Have someone from the audience pull out the winning number  you announce

the number and the amount of money that person will win.

Give the winner half the cash and the other half give to the Treasurer.



Set up cost of each event to cover all the costs of the event (except that donated to

the club or by the club), plus tax and tip and at least $0.50/person to assure a

slight profit.


May picnic — Need to designate chairperson

February — Attend Coin Club Board meeting and make arrangements.

Who will be the cooks (need at least two people) — ask Board for volunteers.

Review picnic schedule with Board (see below).

Where/what to get Bingo winners.

Who can be at Park early to reserve the pavilion.

Review what you are going to buy (be thrifiy) for the picnic.

Hot dogs

Hot dog buns

Plates / napkins

Knives, forks, spoons

Serving spoons

Condiments ~ ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, onions

Other — table covers

March - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and update Board on picnic details

Contact Hemet Parks (phone # ) and reserve a pavilion in Gibble Park for

the third Wednesday of May. Possibly use Mary Henley Park instead?

At March club meeting — Stand up and advertise the picnic and the good time we

will have there. Have sign up list so everyone can put down the food they will

bring for the pot luck. Do this again at the April meeting.

April — Attend Coin Club Board meeting and update Board on picnic details

At April club meeting — Stand up and advertise the picnic and the good time we

will have there. Have sign up list so everyone can put down the food they will

bring for the pot luck.

May — Picnic is held the third Wednesday at noon at one of the Gibble Park pavilions.

Who will come early and clean up the pavilion if dirty (and it usually is)? They

need blower, rags, bucket and water.

Who is bringing Bingo equipment? Bingo caller?

Who is bringing prizes for bingo winners?

Who is bringing club contributions to picnic? Traditionally the club supplies hot

dogs, buns, condiments and paper goods.

Who can bring grill cooking utensils, extension cord, large coolers, 

Who will do the grilling?

Who will do clean up?

Leftovers will be apropriately auctioned off at the end of the picnic.

June — Attend Coin Club Board meeting and give report on picnic

# attendees, costs, income, other

May Picnic Schedule

7 am — person needs to arrive and “take possession” of pavilion. Also, the pavilion area

needs to be cleaned.

10 am — Put table covers over tables and arrange

11:30 am - Start the grills get them weenies cooking!

12 noon — Start everyone through the food lines.

1 pm — Bingo time

1:59 pm — Auction off remainder of condiments and soda.

2pm picnic ends  now who cleans up?

July Club Anniversary luncheon — Need to designate chairperson

March — Attend Coin Club Board meeting and review status of luncheon.

Call caterer to do job the third Wednesday of July at Provident Bank

Recommend to Board serving choices and costs from caterer

April - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and update Board on luncheon details

Final decision on what to serve.

Cost to club members should be $0.50-$1.50 more (cost plus tip/tax) to assure a

small profit and even out the amount to the closest dollar or half dollar (i.e., cost

$5.68 + $0.82 = $6.50, cost $4.98 + $1.02 = $6.00).

May - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and update Board on luncheon details

At May picnic — Stand up and advertise the luncheon and the good food and

camaraderie we will have. Have sign up list so everyone can put down the food

they want (if there is a choice). Do this again at the June meeting.

Treasurer will collect money and note who pays on your list.

June - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and update Board on luncheon details

Treasurer will collect money and note who pays on your list.

July club meeting

Treasurer will collect money and add names on list for last minute attendees.

Enjoy lunch and a job well done. Make sure caterer gets paid.

Give final tally including who paid to Treasurer either at luncheon or at following

Board meeting.

July - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and give a report on the luncheon

# attendees, costs, income, other

September Ice Cream Social — Need to designate chairperson

June - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and review status of ice cream social.

What type of ice cream do we want this year?

How much of each type?

What toppings should we provide / quantity?

Chocolate, strawberry, cherries, whipped cream, caramel, other

What is your budget?

July — Attend Coin Club Board meeting and review status of ice cream social.

Final decision on what to serve and costs.

Cost to club members should be slightly above actual costs (round up to nearest

half dollar or dollar).

August club meeting

Stand up and advertise the luncheon and the good food and camaraderie we will


August - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and review status of ice cream social.

September club meeting

Make sure everything that is needed arrives at the meeting place.

Ice cream


Coffee (from Refreshments Chair)


Plates, cups, bowls, napkins, spoons (from Refreshments Chair)

Give final tally including who paid to Treasurer either at social or at following

Board meeting.

Enjoy social and a job well done. Make sure you have clean up help.

September - Attend Coin Club Board meeting and give a report on the Ice Cream Social

# attendees, costs, income,‘other

Christmas Banguet in December — Chair — Current President

Christmas Luncheon Agenda (SAMPLE)

8:00 AM Table favor setups Who?

9-9:30 AM Arrival of members and guests

Greeter - Who?

Club Gift presentation a Who does and when?

10:00 AM Opening welcome and remarks President

Invocation Who?

10:10 AM Armual Meeting President

Kudos to outgoing officers and others

Thanks for everyone attending and showing their support

Businesses and Individuals that deserve sponsor recognition for their support

of the club this year and especially for today

Provident Bank ... Hometown Buffet - others?

The next time you do stop by any of these businesses please say thanks

for their support


Presidential Award(s) — plaque — President to present

Up to two people

Helen Trumpower Award — Angus Bruce presenter

Award plus name on plaque

Announce Winner

Recognize any Trumpower family members present

Installation of Officers — Who?

“Passing the baton” — President says a few words and introduces

the new President. The new President then presents a plaque to the

outgoing President. (only if a new President is elected)

Ending Remarks

Thank everyone for attending again

All award winners and officers are asked to stay for pictures

Happy holidays and I hope each of you come to our January

meeting on Wednesday, January ?, at 12 noon at the Provident

Bank on Florida at Girard


Description of duties:

Pass out at the January General meeting a list requesting two members sign up for

refreshments each month (one for food and the other for drinks).






May no refreshments — Club Picnic


July no refreshments — Club Anniversary Luncheon


September no refreshments — Ice Cream Social



December no refreshments — Annual “Banquet”

Assure that all the refreshments accessories are brought to each meeting as

needed. The coffee pot and accessories would be needed at all meetings

excepting the Annual Banquet.


Description of duties:

Collect a quarter from any member not wearing a badge at the meeting.

Help the Revenue Chair whenever possible.


Description of duties:

Set up and auction all lots for sale at each general meeting as follows:




April no general auction SUPER AUCTION

May no general auction CLUB PICNIC

June ,

July no general auction CLUB ANNIVERSARY LUNCH



October no general auction WHITE ELEPHANT SALE


December no general auction ANNUAL BANQUET

Auction Lot opening minimum is $1.00 (one) dollar with .50c increase increments.


Hand out Auction Sheets to members that want to sell items in January

and February .. . MUST have due date back by March meeting. Review

each sheet with the owner to make sure everything is filled out and


Give sheets to Editor for submittal with Newsletter.

Hold Super Auction in April. Make sure that someone is tallying each

sale or no sale and that you have enough runners to deliver items, receive

payment and make change.

Announce at beginning of Super Auction that buyers may “run a tab” 

the member must sign the back of the item auction card, put price paid and

initial (or we can do that for him/her).

Help the Revenue Chair whenever possible.


Description of duties:

Act as Hospitality person to welcome all new people to the club ... get them to

sign in our register book ... and encourage them to join the club.

Anyone wishing to sell or purchase numismatic related material must be a current club 

member with appropriate identification.

Develop strategies to increase attendance for Board review and approval.

Implement approved strategies with assistance from other members as needed.

Give a welcome gift to each new member as able. We have small Smiley face

coin purses available  donations from members of wheat pennies, tokens,

foreign coins, other can be obtained.


Important Highlights from the Bylaws to remember


Section 1 - A nominating committee will be appointed by the president in

September to select a slate of officers for the coming 2 years.

Section 2 - The nominating committee will announce their nominees

during the October meeting and accept nominations from the floor.

Section 3 - Elections will be held during the regular November meeting.

Section 4 - Elected officers shall be installed at the December meeting for

the coming 2 years.


Pursuant to the by-laws and Constitution of the Hemet Numismatists, the

following amendment to Article 3, Section 1, of the Constitution of the

Hemet Numismatists, is hereby enacted.

The elected Officer positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and

Treasurer shall be nominated and elected to terms not to exceed 2 years. The

terms of Board of Directors and the schedule of nominations, elections, and

installation for same shall remain at 1 year. The schedule of nominations,

elections, and installation of elected Officers, shall be performed every 2

years to match the Officers elected terms.

This amendment is hereby passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors on

this day: 19 October 2011 and will be placed in effect forthwith.

Approved: 19 Oct 2011

This is the recognized website for the Hemet Coin Club

Copyright © 2019 Hemet Coin Club. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

For errors or corrections on the website, please Contact the WebMaste

© James Phillips 2015